Definition Of Ratings
The Rating is how the dog compares to the breed standard.
The Placement (1-4) is how the dog compares to the others in his particular class.
Puppy Classes Dog/Bitch, Ages 4 to under 12 Months | Youth Classes Dog/Bitch, Ages 12 to under 24 Months | All Adult Classes, Age 24 Months and Older |
VP Very promising P Promising S Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory |
V Excellent (possible at judge’s discretion) SG Very good G Good S Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory |
V Excellent SG Very good G Good S Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory |
Open to dogs 24 Months or older
Regardless of titles, if dog is not yet 24 months old, he must enter the age appropriate Puppy or Youth Class.
Open – Rottweilers that have not yet earned a Championship or Gebrauchshunde Title. A dog eligible to enter the Working Class
and/or the North American Independent Sieger Class may choose to enter the Open Class; however, a dog with a Championship
or Gebrauchshunde Title may not. If at the time of a show entry the dog’s HD/ED rating is not provided, then the HD/ED field
will state “no listing”.
Champion *– Rottweilers that have earned a Championship title. This includes American Kennel Club, Canadian Kennel Club,
and FCI International Champions of record, as well as any champion of record from a country that’s Championship was awarded
by an FCI recognized kennel club. Select or Sieger awards are not titles. Once a dog has a Championship title, he may not enter
the Open Class. However, he may choose to enter any other class that his titles and eligibility allows. If at the time of a show
entry the dog’s HD/ED rating is not provided, then the HD/ED field will state “no listing”.
Working * – Rottweilers that have earned a minimum of one of the following American Kennel Club or Canadian Kennel Club
titles: Companion Dog (CD); Herding Started (HS); Novice Agility (NA); Rally Novice (RN); Tracking Dog (TD). An ARC
Carting Started Title (CS) would also meet eligibility requirement. A dog is also eligible if he has earned a Traffic Sure
Companion Dog (BH) from DVG, WD, SV, USA, USRC, and other recognized Schutzhund organization. CGC, TT (ATTS),
TDI type certifications are not eligible for entry. Dogs that are eligible for this class may choose to enter another class that his
titles and eligibility allows instead. If at the time of a show entry the dog’s HD/ED rating is not provided, then the HD/ED field
will state “no listing”.
Gebrauchshunde * – Rottweilers that have earned a SchH I, IPO I, VPG I, or foreign country equivalent. Dogs that are eligible
for this class may not enter the Working class, but may choose to enter any other class that his titles and eligibility allows instead.
If at the time of a show entry the dog’s HD/ED rating is not provided, then the HD/ED field will state “no listing”.
Independent Sieger Club Champion * – Rottweilers with the United States Rottweiler Club (USRC) Championship, United
Rottweiler Klub of America (URKA) Championship, or URKA Elite Championship title. Dogs that are eligible for the Champion
class, have the URKA Youth Champion title, or have only a Youth Sieger/in or Sieger/in title are not eligible for this class. Dogs
eligible for this class may choose to enter any other class that their titles and eligibility allows instead. If at the time of a show
entry the dog’s HD/ED rating is not provided, then the HD/ED field will state “no listing”.
Veteran (Junior) – Rottweilers must be at least 7 years, but not yet 9 years. A dog is eligible to enter this class regardless of
what titles he has earned or what other classes he may be eligible for. Neutered dogs and spayed bitches may be entered in this
class. The Junior Veteran Dog and Bitch winners are eligible to compete for Sieger/Siegerin. If at the time of a show entry the
dog’s HD/ED rating is not provided, then the HD/ED field will state “no listing”.
Veteran (Senior) – Rottweilers 9 years & older. A dog is eligible to enter this class regardless of what titles he has earned or
what other classes he may be eligible for. Neutered dogs and spayed bitches may be entered in this class. The Senior Veteran
Dog and Bitch winners are eligible to compete for Sieger/Siegerin. If at the time of a show entry the dog’s HD/ED rating is not
provided, then the HD/ED field will state “no listing”.
* Copies of title documentation must be included with entry.
12 to under 18 Months Rottweilers must be at least 12 months, but not yet 18 months.
18 to under 24 Months Rottweilers must be at least 18 months, but not yet 24 months.
4 to under 6 Months (optional) Rottweilers must be at least 4 months, but not yet 6 months.
6 to under 9 Months Rottweilers must be at least 6 months, but not yet 9 months.
9 to under 12 Months Rottweilers must be at least 9 months, but not yet 12 months.
Kennel Group ** – An entry of at least three (3) dogs registered with the same kennel name. The group will be judged for
consistency of breed type, structure, temperament, movement and merit. Only placements 1-4 will be awarded. No written
critiques are given. All dogs must be entered and exhibited in a regular class. A separate entry form must be used for the entry of
each dog
Stud Dog ** – The class consists of the stud dog and at least two (up to five) of his offspring. The stud dog is examined for
disqualifying faults and his offspring are examined for breed type, structure, temperament, movement and merit. The stud dog is
judged on his ability to produce consistency throughout the entries. Only placements 1-4 are awarded. No written critiques are
given. All offspring must be entered and exhibited in a regular class. A separate entry form must be used for the entry of each
Brood Bitch ** – The class consists of the brood bitch and at least two (up to five) of her offspring. The brood bitch is examined
for disqualifying faults and her offspring are examined for breed type, structure, temperament, movement and merit. The brood
bitch is judged on her ability to produce consistency throughout the entries. Only placements 1-4 are awarded. No written
critiques are given. All offspring must be entered and exhibited in a regular class. A separate entry form must be used for the
entry of each dog.
** The Kennel Group, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch winners are not eligible to compete for Sieger/Siegerin.
The purpose of these classes is to educate and give the young people of our sport a chance to learn more about their dogs and to
practice and see their handling skills in a new and exciting venue and point of view. Judging is on the presentation and basic age-
appropriate knowledge of the breed, the quality of the dog is not decisive.
1. JH will compete in two age categories and must compete in the class category based on the junior’s age on the day of the show.
A. Young Junior Handler Class: 10 to under 14 years.
B. Youth Junior Handler Class: 14 to under 17 years.
2. The dog of the JH need not be entered to exhibit in the show however it be must registered by the AKC or FCI recognized country
kennel club and not younger than 12 months old.
3. There will be one first place winner awarded in each age division. The two winners will not compete against each other.
4. Juniors in the class will receive a critique on their handling ability and award of participation.
5. Points the JH Judge will consider:
A. Good contact and relationship with the dog.
B. Attention to Judge’s directions.
C. Showing the dog’s teeth.
D. Use of ring and good tempo and control when moving dog.
E. Offering a comprehensive view of the dog to the Judge (don’t stand between dog and Judge).
F. Ability to handle possible problems with the dog in a show ring environment.
G. Sportsmanship toward the other exhibitors and spectators.
Awards & Eligibility
- 1 st to 4 th place will be awarded in each class.
- Best Male/Female Puppy First place (VP rated only) entries from each of the Puppy Classes.
- Youth Sieger/Siegerin First place (V rated only) entries in the Youth Classes.
- Sieger/Siegerin First place (V rated only) entries in all Adult Classes, including Junior/Senior Veteran Dogs/Bitches.
Most Beautiful Male/Female (optional)
Selected from the Best Male/Female Puppy, Youth Sieger/Siegerin and Sieger/Siegerin.
At a National Sieger Show the winners of the above awards will be known as the “20 National ”.
At a Regional it will be “20 Region (# of Region) ”.
American Rottweiler Club “Anya Award”
This award will be awarded to the Most Beautiful Female at the American Rottweiler Club National Sieger Show and sponsored by Paul and Tina Walters. This award will be made available at all future ARC National Sieger Shows until no longer sponsored.
Entering the Sieger Show involves careful adherence to specific rules and guidelines to ensure a smooth and successful experience. Follow these detailed steps to properly enter your dog into the show:
1. Class Entry Restrictions
- Single Class Entry: Except for the Kennel, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, or Junior Handler classes, no dog can be entered into more than one class.
- Owner’s Choice: If your dog qualifies for multiple classes, you can choose which class to enter.
2. Eligibility for Champion and Gebrauchshunde Classes
- Class Restrictions: Once your dog is eligible for the Champion or Gebrauchshunde class, it cannot enter any other class, except for those mentioned above and Veterans, if age permits.
3. Required Documentation
- Documentation Submission: Ensure copies of documentation for the Champion, Working, Gebrauchshunde, and Independent Sieger Club Champion classes are submitted with the entry form.
- Documentation Verification: Entries without the necessary documentation at check-in will be moved to the open class. Such entries may receive a critique but will not be eligible for class placement.
4. Title Achievements Post Entry
- Title Proof: If your dog achieves a title after the entry deadline that qualifies them for a different class, you must present proof to the show secretary at least 30 minutes before the day’s judging starts.
5. Multiple Class Entries
- Separate Forms: If entering your dog in more than one class, complete a separate entry form for each class.
6. Age Errors on Entry Forms
- Class Adjustment: If there is an age error on the entry form, dogs in the puppy or youth classes will be moved to the correct age class. Notify the show secretary at least 30 minutes before the day’s judging starts.
7. Eligibility Restrictions
- Suspended Individuals: Any person currently suspended from participating in AKC or FCI events cannot enter or show any dogs, including those owned or co-owned by them, in an ARC Sieger Show.
8. Dental Disqualifications
- Missing Teeth: Dogs with missing teeth, other than what is allowed by the current AKC standard, will be disqualified. Broken teeth, still visible in the mouth, will be evaluated at the judge’s discretion. Though one missing tooth is permitted in the AKC breed standard, the judge will decide if a rating or placement is awarded. A written critique will still be provided.
By following these steps and ensuring all requirements are met, you can successfully enter your dog into the Sieger Show. For any further details or assistance, please contact the show secretary.
Preparing to compete in a Sieger Show? Understanding the ring procedures and guidelines is essential for a successful experience. Here’s a detailed guide to help you navigate the process:
Entry and Catalog Management
- Class Entries: All participants are called to the ring by the ring steward. It’s recommended to have two ring stewards present. Absentees are recorded in the catalog, which is maintained by the ring stewards and the show secretary.
- Catalog and Check-In Sheet: The ring stewards and show secretary will keep a marked catalog or Judges Check-In Sheet.
Presentation of Dogs
- Natural Stance: All dogs must be presented in a natural stance; hand stacking is not permitted in any class.
- Free Stacking: You can use a small toy or ball to encourage a “free stack” to present your dog.
- No Food Baiting: Using food as bait is prohibited both inside and outside the ring.
Judging Process
- Initial Examination: Dogs undergo an initial examination for dentition and disqualifying faults. A verbal critique is then conducted for each entry and recorded verbatim on the critique form, noting both positive aspects and any deviations from the standard, such as missing teeth, pink gums, or light eyes.
- Tail Evaluation: For Rottweilers, tails must be left in their natural condition unless docking is a medical necessity. The tail will be critiqued according to the FCI Standard for the Rottweiler.
- Docked vs. Natural Tails: There is no judging preference between docked and natural-tailed dogs.
Gaiting and Final Evaluation
- Class Gaiting: After all critiques, the judge will gait each class for ratings and placements.
- Gait Evaluation: Dogs are run long enough for the judge to thoroughly evaluate their gait and structure.
- Runners and Handling: Changing runners and double handling from outside the ring are encouraged.
- Judge’s Discretion: During gaiting, the judge may decide an exhibit requires no further judging.
- Final Ratings and Placements: Remaining exhibits are evaluated for final ratings and placements, ranked from 1-4 with corresponding ratings.
Documentation and Attire
- Recording Placements: The ring steward records all placements and ratings in the show catalog or Judges Check-In Sheet before dismissing the class. The judge will sign critiques after ratings and placements when time permits. The club retains a copy of all critiques.
- Final Decision: The judge’s decision on the critique and placement is final.
- Attire: Sport casual attire and comfortable running shoes are recommended for participants.
Understanding these procedures and guidelines will help you and your dog perform your best at a Sieger Show. Good luck in the ring!
ARC National Sieger Show