Barn Hunt

Barn Hunt2024-07-06T10:27:49-07:00
Barn Hunt is a fairly new growing sport.  It is an independent sport but recognized by AKC, CKC and UKC.  It was originally invented for the natural ratters, like Terriers who go to ground and hunt vermin, but because the Rottweiler has such a fantastic nose and wants to please humans by doing whatever job is asked of them, it is fun for Rottweilers as well!  The Rats are safe, contained in tubes. then hidden in straw and the dog and handler have to discriminate between tubes with litter and tubes with rats, which requires the skill of the dog followed by correct interpretation by the human.

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Barn Hunt Articles & Tips

The Best Way to Introduce Your Rottweiler to Rats for Barn Hunt

By |July 6th, 2024|Categories: Barn Hunt|

Learn the best way to introduce your Rottweiler to the rats in tubes used in Barn Hunt competitions. Discover tips for a smooth and successful introduction.

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