In a heartwarming and miraculous tale of canine loyalty and bravery, the American Rottweiler Club (ARC) has awarded its prestigious Heroism Award to a remarkable Rottweiler named Buddy. This incredible dog demonstrated extraordinary courage and devotion by protecting a three-year-old girl, Thea Chase, who had wandered away from her home and gotten lost in the woods in Faithorn, Michigan.

A Parent’s Worst Nightmare

On a Wednesday in Faithorn, the Chase family faced every parent’s worst fear when they realized their young daughter was missing from their yard. Little Thea had wandered off without shoes, leaving her family frantic and desperate to find her. With nightfall approaching, the search became even more urgent.

The Search Begins

The search for Thea involved a comprehensive effort, including the use of drones, search and rescue teams, and canine units. As hours ticked by and the clock neared midnight, hope was beginning to wane. However, a family friend searching on an all-terrain vehicle made a crucial discovery.

Buddy to the Rescue

As the ATV driver neared a trail, he encountered Buddy, the Chase family’s loyal Rottweiler. Buddy’s bark was not one of alarm but rather a guiding signal. The driver followed Buddy’s lead and soon found Thea asleep on the ground. Remarkably, Thea was using the family’s English Springer Spaniel, Hartley, as a pillow.

When the ATV driver attempted to approach Thea, Hartley growled protectively, demonstrating the dogs’ fierce loyalty and determination to protect their young charge.

A Miraculous Outcome

Thea was unharmed, thanks to the vigilant companionship of Buddy and Hartley. After a thorough medical evaluation, it was confirmed that she was safe and sound. This miraculous outcome is a testament to the incredible bond between humans and their canine companions.

Recognition and Celebration

In recognition of Buddy’s heroism, the American Rottweiler Club has awarded him the ARC Heroism Award. This award honors dogs that have demonstrated exceptional bravery and loyalty in the face of danger. Buddy’s actions exemplify the qualities that make Rottweilers such remarkable and devoted pets.

Thea’s mother, Brooke Chase, expressed profound gratitude for her dogs’ unwavering protection of her daughter. “We really don’t deserve dogs,” she said. “These dogs stayed right by Thea’s side and even let her use one of them as a pillow. It’s just miraculous that they protected her like this.”

A Community’s Gratitude

The story of Buddy and Thea has touched the hearts of many, with social media users expressing their admiration for the heroic dogs. One Facebook user, Jeff, commented, “She’s the pack leader, that dog will protect her at all costs.” Another user, Kasi, added, “Good God! How terrifying for the parents. Those dogs deserve a beef steak! Such sweet loyal pets!”


This heartwarming story has a happy ending, thanks to the bravery and loyalty of Buddy and Hartley. The ARC Heroism Award is a fitting tribute to Buddy’s actions, highlighting the incredible bond between humans and their dogs. We hope these good boys received all the treats and love they deserve for their extraordinary actions. Buddy’s heroism will be remembered and celebrated, serving as an inspiring reminder of the special role that dogs play in our lives.